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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Effective Date: December 2022

This Privacy Statement applies to owned and operated by Apartments Joni | Mali Lošinj. This Privacy Statement describes how we collect and use the information, which may include personal data, you provide on our web site: It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal data and how you can access and update this data.

Data Collection

The types of personal data that we collect include:

  • Your first name, last name, email address, phone number and home address;
  • Credit card details (type of card, credit card number, name on card, expiration date and security code);
  • Guest stay data, including date of arrival and departure, special requests made, observations about your service preferences (including room preferences, facilities or any other services used);
  • Data you provide regarding your marketing preferences or in the course of participating in surveys, contests or promotional offers;

You may always choose what personal data (if any) you wish to provide to us. If you choose not to provide certain details, however, some of your transactions with us may be impacted.

Data we collect automatically

When using our website, we also collect information automatically, some of which may be personal data. This includes data such as language settings, IP address, location, device settings, device OS, log information, time of usage, URL requested, status report, user agent (information about the browser version), operating system, result (viewer or booker), browsing history, user Booking ID, and type of data viewed. We may also collect data automatically through cookies. For information on how we use cookies, click here.

Processing Purposes

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • A. Reservations: We use your personal data to complete and administer your online reservation.
  • B. Customer service: We use your personal data to provide customer service.
  • C. Guest reviews: We may use your contact data to invite you by email to write a guest review after your stay. This can help other travellers to choose the accommodation that suits them best. If you submit a guest review, your review may be published on our website.
  • D. Marketing activities: We also use your data for marketing activities, as permitted by law. Where we use your personal data for direct marketing purposes, such as commercial newsletters and marketing communications on new products and services or other offers which we think may be of interest to you, we include an unsubscribe link that you can use if you do not want us to send messages in the future.
  • E. Other communications: There may be other times when we get in touch by email, by post, by phone or by texting you, depending on the contact data you share with us. There could be a number of reasons for this:
    • a. We may need to respond to and handle requests you have made.
      b. If you have not finalised a reservation online, we may email you a reminder to continue with your reservation. We believe that this additional service is useful to you because it allows you to carry on with a reservation without having to search for the accommodation again or fill in all the reservation details from scratch.
      c. When you use our services, we may send you a questionnaire or invite you to provide a review about your experience with our website. We believe that this additional service is useful to you and to us as we will be able to improve our website based on your feedback.
  • F. Analytics, improvements and research: We use personal data to conduct research and analysis. We may involve a third party to do this on our behalf. We may share or disclose the results of such research, including to third-parties, in anonymous, aggregated form. We use your personal data for analytical purposes, to improve our services, to enhance the user experience, and to improve the functionality and quality of our online travel services.
  • G. Security, fraud detection and prevention: We use the information, which may include personal data, in order to prevent fraud and other illegal or infringing activities. We also use this information to investigate and detect fraud. We can use personal data for risk assessment and security purposes, including the authentication of users. For these purposes, personal data may be shared with third parties, such as law enforcement authorities as permitted by applicable law and external advisors.
  • H. Legal and compliance: In certain cases, we need to use the information provided, which may include personal data, to handle and resolve legal disputes or complaints, for regulatory investigations and compliance, or to enforce agreement(s) or to comply with lawful requests from law enforcement insofar as it is required by law.
  • If we use automated means to process personal data which produces legal effects or significantly affects you, we will implement suitable measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms, including the right to obtain human intervention.

Legal Bases

  • In view of purposes A and B we rely on the performance of a contract: The use of your data may be necessary to perform the contract that you have with us. For example, if you use our services to make an online reservation, we will use your data to carry out our obligation to complete and administer that reservation under the contract that we have with you.
  • In view of purposes C-H, we rely on its legitimate interests: We use your data for our legitimate interests, such as providing you with the best appropriate content for the website, emails and newsletters, to improve and promote our products and services and the content on our website, and for administrative, fraud detection and legal purposes. When using personal data to serve our legitimate interests, we will always balance your rights and interests in the protection of your information against our rights and interests.
  • In respect of purpose H, we also rely, where applicable, on our obligation to comply with applicable law.
  • Where needed under applicable law, we will obtain your consent prior to processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

If needed in accordance with applicable law, we will ask your consent. You can withdraw your consent anytime by contacting us at any of the addresses at the end of this Privacy Statement.

If you wish to object to the processing set out under C-F and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly (for instance in your account settings), to the extent applicable, please contact

Data Sharing

We do not share any of your personal information with 3rd party providers.

International Data Transfers

We do not share any of your personal information with 3rd party providers.


Apartments & Rooms Kolovare Beach observes reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorised access to, and the misuse of, information including personal data. We use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard information including personal data. We also use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal data on our servers. Only authorised personnel are permitted to access personal data in the course of their work.

Data Retention

We will retain your information, which may include personal data for as long as we deem it necessary to provide services to you, comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes with any parties and otherwise as necessary to allow us to conduct our business including to detect and prevent fraud or other illegal activities. All personal data we retain will be subject to this Privacy Statement. If you have a question about a specific retention period for certain types of personal data we process about you, please contact us via the contact details included below.

Your choices and rights

We want you to be in control of how your personal data is used by us. You can do this in the following ways:

  • You can ask us for a copy of the personal data we hold about you;
  • you can inform us of any changes to your personal data, or you can ask us to correct any of the personal data we hold about you;
  • in certain situations, you can ask us to erase or block or restrict the processing of the personal data we hold about you, or object to particular ways in which we are using your personal data; and
  • in certain situations, you can also ask us to send the personal data you have given us to a third party.

Where we are using your personal data on the basis of your consent, you are entitled to withdraw that consent at any time subject to applicable law. Moreover, where we process your personal data based on legitimate interest or the public interest, you have the right to object at any time to that use of your personal data subject to applicable law.

We rely on you to ensure that your personal data is complete, accurate and current. Please do inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies of to your personal data by contacting We will handle your request in accordance with the applicable law.

Questions or Complaints

If you have questions or concerns about our processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of the rights you have under this notice, you are welcome to contact us via You may also contact your local data protection authority with questions and complaints.

Changes to the Notice

Just as our business changes constantly, this Privacy Statement may also change for time to time. If you want to see changes made to this Privacy Statement from time to time, we invite you to access this Privacy Statement to see the changes. If we make material changes or changes that will have an impact on you (e.g. when we start processing your personal data for other purposes than set out above), we will contact you prior to commencing that processing.




Datum stupanja na snagu: travanj 2018

Ova se Izjava o privatnosti odnosi na koja je u vlasništvu i kojom upravlja Apartmani Joni | Mali Lošinj. Ova Izjava o privatnosti opisuje kako prikupljamo i koristimo podatke koji mogu sadržavati osobne podatke koje pružate na našoj web stranici: Također opisuje izbore koji su vam na raspolaganju u vezi s našim korištenjem vaših osobnih podataka te kako možete pristupiti tim podacima i ažurirati ih.


Vrste osobnih podataka koje prikupljamo uključuju:

Vaše ime, prezime, e-adresa, telefonski broj i kućna adresa;
Podaci o kreditnoj kartici (vrsta kartice, broj kreditne kartice, ime na kartici, datum isteka i sigurnosni kod);
Podaci o boravku gostiju, uključujući datum dolaska i odlaska, posebne zahtjeve, zapažanja o vašim preferencijama za usluge (uključujući preferencije soba, sadržaje ili bilo koje druge korištene usluge);
Podaci koje pružate u vezi s vašim marketinškim preferencijama ili tijekom sudjelovanja u anketama, natjecanjima ili promotivnim ponudama;

Uvijek možete odabrati koje nam osobne podatke (ako postoje) želite pružiti. Ako odlučite ne pružati određene detalje, to može utjecati na neke vaše transakcije s nama.


Kada koristimo našu web stranicu, također automatski prikupljamo podatke, od kojih neki mogu biti osobni podaci. To uključuje podatke kao što su jezične postavke, IP adresa, mjesto, postavke uređaja, OS uređaja, podaci dnevnika, vrijeme upotrebe, URL koji se traži, izvješće o statusu, korisnički agent (podaci o verziji preglednika), operativni sustav, rezultat (preglednik ili booker) ), povijest pregledavanja, ID rezervacije korisnika i vrsta pregledanih podataka. Podaci također možemo automatski prikupljati putem kolačića. Za informacije o tome kako koristimo kolačiće, kliknite ovdje.


Vaše osobne podatke koristimo u sljedeće svrhe:

A. Rezervacije: Vaše osobne podatke koristimo za dovršavanje i upravljanje vašom mrežnom rezervacijom.
B. Korisnička usluga: Vaše osobne podatke koristimo za pružanje korisničke usluge.
C. Recenzije gostiju: Vaše podatke za kontakt možemo koristiti kako bismo vas pozvali e-poštom da napišete recenziju gostiju nakon vašeg boravka. To drugim putnicima može pomoći da odaberu smještaj koji im najviše odgovara. Ako predate recenziju gosta, vaša bi recenzija mogla biti objavljena na našoj web stranici.
D. Marketinške aktivnosti: Vaše podatke koristimo i za marketinške aktivnosti, kao što je dopušteno zakonom. Tamo gdje vaše osobne podatke koristimo u svrhe izravnog marketinga, poput komercijalnih biltena i marketinških komunikacija o novim proizvodima i uslugama ili drugim ponudama za koje mislimo da bi vas mogle zanimati, uključujemo vezu za odjavu koju možete koristiti ako ne želite nas za slanje poruka u budućnosti.
E. Ostale komunikacije: Mogu biti i drugi slučajevi kada stupimo u kontakt e-poštom, poštom, telefonom ili putem SMS-a, ovisno o kontaktnim podacima koje podijelite s nama. To može biti više razloga:
a. Možda ćemo morati odgovoriti na zahtjeve koje ste uputili i obraditi ih.
b. Ako niste finalizirali rezervaciju putem interneta, možda ćemo vam poslati podsjetnik da nastavite s rezervacijom. Vjerujemo da vam je ova dodatna usluga korisna jer vam omogućuje da nastavite s rezervacijom bez ponovnog traženja smještaja ili popunjavanja svih detalja rezervacije od nule.
c. Kada koristite naše usluge, možemo vam poslati upitnik ili vas pozvati da date pregled o vašem iskustvu s našim web mjestom. Vjerujemo da je ova dodatna usluga korisna vama i nama jer ćemo moći poboljšati našu web stranicu na temelju vaših povratnih informacija.
F. Analitika, poboljšanja i istraživanje: Osobne podatke koristimo za provođenje istraživanja i analize. Možemo uključiti treću stranu da to učini u naše ime. Rezultate takvih istraživanja možemo podijeliti ili otkriti, uključujući trećim stranama, u anonimnom, zbirnom obliku. Vaše osobne podatke koristimo u analitičke svrhe, da bismo poboljšali naše usluge, poboljšali korisničko iskustvo i poboljšali funkcionalnost i kvalitetu naših internetskih putničkih usluga.
G. Sigurnost, otkrivanje i prevencija prijevare: Koristimo podatke, koji mogu sadržavati osobne podatke, kako bismo spriječili prijevaru i druge nezakonite ili kršenja zakona. Te podatke također koristimo za istraživanje i otkrivanje prijevara. Osobne podatke možemo koristiti u svrhu procjene rizika i sigurnosti, uključujući autentifikaciju korisnika. U ove se svrhe osobni podaci mogu dijeliti s trećim stranama, poput tijela za provođenje zakona, kao što dopušta mjerodavno pravo i vanjski savjetnici.
H. Pravne odredbe i usklađenost: U određenim slučajevima moramo koristiti pružene podatke, koji mogu obuhvaćati osobne podatke, za rješavanje i rješavanje pravnih sporova ili žalbi, za regulatorne istrage i poštivanje zakonskih propisa, ili za provođenje sporazuma (a) ili za poštivanje zakonite zahtjeve organa za provođenje zakona u mjeri u kojoj to zahtijeva zakon.
Ako koristimo automatizirana sredstva za obradu osobnih podataka koji proizvode pravne učinke ili značajno utječu na vas, provest ćemo odgovarajuću mjeru